work is traditionally defined as the gathering data to answer the questions and
finding a solution to problems. The research work may be asked to provide an answer
to questions of theoretical interest to a particular discipline. This may include
such questions which have no interest to the society. In this chapter, the aim
is to provide a brief overview of research methodology along with a simple model
of research methodology. We will try to find out the importance of research methodology
in handling the data. The research in management and social science is concerned
with human beings, which is attached to their surroundings. The organizational
behavior is an important part of the focus of research in management and
social sciences and researcher must consider this part carefully to come to
conclusions. The concepts of validity and reliability provide the criteria by which
we need to judge our choice of research methods. These criteria determine the
credibility and academic value of research work.
validity means the success of a method in assessing what is to be assessed. If the method
is valid then the result can be taken as true. There are four main approaches for
assessing validity, viz. Face validity, content validity, predictive validity, and construct validity. The reliability is a criterion that refers to the
consistency of the data stemming from the use of a particular research method.
A measure is reliable to the extent that the repeated application of it under
the same conditions gives the same result. However,
whatever research
method is used, it is always possible to consider carefully features of
research design that make for reliability. Research is commonly known as a search
for knowledge. It can be defined as a search for systematic knowledge. Research
scientific and
systematic investigation about a specific aspect. It is a movement from
known to unknown. Research is considered a careful investigation or inquiry to
find out new facts in
any branch of knowledge. It is an original contribution to the existing stock
of knowledge making for its advancement. Therefore research is a systemized
effort to acquire new knowledge. Research should not be considered as an academic
activity only, it also applies to all the respect of the human activity. Research
is the basis for making the process of decision effective and more meaningful. It
includes the definition of research problem formulation of hypothesis, collection
of data, analyzing of data and arriving at
conclusions. After
the conclusions are drawn, it is also necessary to find out testing of the
conclusions about the hypothesis. Now research has acquired so much of
prominence in all the activities, that no development can be thought without
application of
research. Research is now take up by many professionals. It is a way of thinking.
It critically examines the various aspect of professional work. It is a
habit of questing. What you do and systematic examination of observed
information to find the answer, to make appropriate change for effective use of the information.
a) Controlled:
are many factors that affect on the outcome. In a study of cause and effect
relationships, it is important to be able to link the effect (s) with the cause
(s) and vice versa. The concept of control implies that, in exploring
set up your study in a way
minimizes the effects of other factors affecting the relationship. This
is possible in physical sciences, whereas in social sciences such
controls as impossible, therefore attempts are
made to quantity
their impact.
b) Rigorous:
must be scrupulous in ensuring that the procedures followed to find the answer to
questions are relevant; appropriate and justified. Again, the degree of
rigor varies between the physical and the social sciences.
c) Systematic:
implies that the procedures adopted to undertake an investigation follow a
certain logic sequence. The different steps cannot be
taken haphazardly. Some procedures must follow others.
d) Valid
and Verifiable:
This concept implies that whatever you conclude based on your findings is
correct and can be verified by you and others.
e) Empirical:
means that any conclusions drawn are based upon hard evidence gathered from
information collected from real-life experiences or observations.
f) Critical:
scrutiny of the procedures used and the methods employed is crucial to a
research inquiry. The process of investigation must be foolproof and free from
drawbacks. The process adopted and the procedures used must be able to
withstand critically
A) Academic
relates to the development of new concepts and addition to an old concept. It
means that the urge for knowledge is the main factor in this type of objective
of the research.
Utility objectives
It relates to the utility of
research work, as research work, as research is accepted for more use to the
society. It has to provide the base for policy formation in society.
This type of research
must be in a position to provide for achievements in attending organizational
objectives. As explained above the research provide a base for investigation by
which the relationship between two variables can be established. It is only in
systematic research where induction and deduction are possible. Observation is the main element in the research study by which decision-making ability can be increased.
Collection of primary and secondary data is involved in the research process
and now with these requirements objectives of the research can be further
classified into the following:
1. Decision-making
2. Environmental
3. Market objectives
4. Customer
5. Profit and
promotional objectives.
Decision-making objectives:
making is now influenced by research. The project identification and implementation
are based on the research conducted. There cannot be any business policy that
is not affected by research findings. Controlling, which is the main
function in the
management can effectively be organized through
research study.
Environmental objectives:
the decisions in the business are taken about the environment in which
business operates. All the factors affecting the business-like state, investor,
worker, customer and the competition requires systematic investigation before
any decision is to be taken.
Market objectives:
market objectives of the research are defined as market research. This includes the
market share of products, the profit margin of the organization and total sales
volume of the company. Based on the careful investigation of the
available market
information, relevant
market strategies can be drawn regarding new product development, product
selling approach and product modification.
Customer objectives:
The need of the
customer is assessed, well in advance even before the product is planned. The
utility of the product is decided based on the quality of the product, about the requirements of the customers. It is in this respect that the
inquiry is conducted to
find out the level of
the satisfaction of customers.
Profit and promotional objectives:
In most of the
companies' profit maximization is the main objective to be attended by them.
This requires investigations and consultations to be conducted. Surveys are
also conducted to work out the variables in support of the promotional
activities. The research provides a strong base for these activities. The
development of a business entity is based on a corporate image which is the outcome of the
relationship between internal and external factors of the
is a process in which an in-depth study of the problem is carried out. This
requires investigation to be conducted based on collections and compilation of
data along with its interpretation and presentation. Research is properly
conducted, it helps in the decision
making process. There
cannot be any research exercise which will not yield any additional input to
knowledge. As such research involved
a critical examination of facts which leads to the formation of new concepts of
modification of old concepts.
research activities will help us in the testing of hypothesis and
establishing a relationship between variables by this we can identify the
methods for the solution of the research problems. The research is a fact
finding process, which influences
the decisions to be
taken. This also provides an opportunity to check the effectiveness of the
decision taken. The research is a scientific process and it is required to
conduct in proper sequences, which includes activities right from
identification of research problem, formulation of hypothesis, testing of
hypothesis, observation and relationship of variables and drawing of conclusions
development and progress in society are an outcome of research work. The
development of logical thinking is promoted by conducting research
Research provides
a base for the policies formation of the Government related to agriculture,
industries and infrastructural services in the region. In this context
investigation in the structure of the economy is conducted through a compilation of
data and analysis of facts. Research provides for predicting of future
prospects of the region. Research has special importance in
solving various problems of business and industries. Market research, operation
research, and motivation research are conducted in the business for various
requirements. The importance of research can also be certain through its
application in the socio-political sector to find out the solution to the social
and political problem of the society.
research is extensively used everywhere in business for planning,
forecasting and decision making, but it may lose its relevance of
business competition in the society. Therefore in underdeveloped
countries normally having no competition it may consider as luxury and
for this very reason, it may be neglected in the society. In the existing
stage of business competition, where problems are becoming more complex,
research, is becoming more relevant than before. The usefulness of research can
very well be seen in the managerial functions. Research establishes the
relationship between variables and functional areas. It is an effective
tool for forecasting. It also provides necessary help for the optimum
utilization of the available resources. The formulation and implementation of
policies and strategies will be more effective when they are based on the research
studies. Research is the main source of decision making as it helps the
process of thinking, analyzing and interpretation of the business
situations. It provides a base for innovations product development and product
There are various
approaches to research work. Every research project is different from each
other on account of its time and place in which it is to be conducted. But all the
research projects will have a common understanding of the society and have common
steps through which
research is conducted. To have proper research work, every research project
work, every research project has to have a research problem
identified. The
the research process will consist of a particular objective which should be clearly
stated and there should be a hypothesis that has to proceed right or wrong.
In addition to this, each research project will have a research design
indicates as to how
required data will be collected, analyzed and interpreted.
The research process
consists of a series of various actions, which are necessary for effective
research work. It includes all such stages required to carry out research work.
This must specify the desired steps involved in conducting research work.
It is necessary to
understand that there is no specific sequence or established order in which
research work is carried out. Therefore in the research process, there are certain
guidelines regarding steps involved in research work. The stages in the research
process are listed as, selecting research problems and stating of hypothesis,
formulating of
research design,
collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. These steps can be summarized as
1. Formulate the
research problem
2. Get the background
3. Refine your search
4. Consider your
research option.
5. Select the
appropriate tool (i.e. sampling procedure)
6. Use the tool
7. Locate your
material (i.e. data for research)
8. Analyses the
material located (i.e. data analysis)
9. Organize and write
10. References and
stages which are explained above are depended on each other. It is clear from
the above steps sequence in the research process, which are described as under-
1. Formulation of
research problem
2. Review of the
existing literature
3. Formation and
development of the working hypothesis
4. Preparation of
research design
5. Determining sample
6. Data collection
7. Project execution
8. Data analysis
9. Testing of
10. Data
11. Report of the
research work.
order to understand the research process perfectly brief description of each of
the stages will be of more help to researchers
1. Formulation
of the research problem:
research problem relates to the statement of problem and relationship between two
variables under study. Research has to identify the problem first and later on
its required to single out the problem. This will give scope to
the researcher to decide a general area of interest or subject matter of that
researcher who has no knowledge about the subject matter will not be in a
position to collect and analyze data. Therefore researcher is supposed to have
proper knowledge of later stages before be perform the earlier stages. The research
process is a system of interdependent related stages. Before giving a brief
description of the various stages involved in the research process it is necessary
to understand the difference between research method and research process.
2. Review
of the existing literature:
can not be conducted without reviewing of existing literature may be conceptual
or empirical in nature. Conceptual literature is
concerned with the concept of theories empirical literature is concerned
with earlier studies of similar nature already conducted. This review of
existing studies provide a base to understand how to plan for the study.
3. Formation
and development of working hypothesis:
the formation of the research problem and reviewing of the available existing
literature now hypothesis is required to be explained by
the researcher. The normal assumptions which are the base of the study
which may be tentative in nature are considered as hypothesis
4. Preparation
of research design:
research design is prepared by the research after the formulation of research
the problem, reviewing of literature and developing hypotheses. It is an outline
on a conceptual structure within its limit research work is supposed to
be carried on. The research design is prepared with an object of
collecting relevant data with the minimum efforts and with a minimum of
expenditure, just to control wasteful expenditure
5. Determining
sample design:
the success of the research study is largely based on proper identification of the
sample to be selected for the study. the method for selecting is normally known
as a sample design. It is a sample plan already decided before later is
collected from
given population
A brief description of these techniques of various sampling is given below.
Deliberate sample:
This technique
involve deliberate selection of sample which represents the whole universe.
Simple random sampling:
As this sample is
controlled by probability, there is every equal chance for all the items of the
universe to get selected.
Systematic sampling:
This is the most simple
and practical way of sampling. It is covered under the techniques of
probability sampling.
Stratified sampling:
This is also a
the technique of probability sampling, which is used for the population not having
homogeneous group.
Quota sampling:
This is an important
from the non-probability technique of sampling quota sampling is considered as
judgment sampling.
Custer sampling:
This is a probability
sampling technique cluster refers to a group and in this sampling technique
first, the population is grouped, then the specific group is selected for the study.
Area sampling:
The area sampling is
just like a cluster sampling when the geographical area under the investigation is
very large than the total area is divided into a non-overlapping small areas.
6. Data
data is collected as per the requirement of the study. this may be primary or
secondary in nature. If the secondary is sufficient enough to assess the
research problem then there is no necessity for primary data to be
collected. As per the requirement of the research study, appropriate data
is a basic need of research. This primary data can be collected by
observation, interview, questionnaire, and schedule.
7. Project
project execution is a very important stage in the research process. It should be
executed systematically. Therefore periodical and occasional check are
essential for verification of the data collected.
8. Data
research process after the data is collected it is required to analyze the
meaning of objective. The collected data is processed through various
operations. So to make raw data meaningful, these operations will help
us to draw proper conclusions.
9. Testing
of hypothesis:
is only after the analyzing data, the researcher can go further in testing of his
hypothesis in which he can ascertain the fact to support or disagree with the
110. Data
After hypothesis is
tested than researcher can go further for drawing of general inferences so that
he can arrive at making of statement. The ability of any research is largely
based on its capacity of making general statement.
111. Report
Report writing is
final job to be done by the researcher. Research work which is conducted by him
is finally presented inform of research report. Report must be written in
a systematic manner, which normally should have the following parts.
I. Preliminary part
II. The main text of the
III. Conclusion part
IV. Reference
Research Process
1. Formulation,
analysis of
information needed.
1. Chose a broad topic. Get overview of a topic, narrow down the
2. Identification and
appraisal of
the likely resources
2. Formulate question to guide
research plan for research
3. Tracing and
individual resources
3. Find analyze and evaluate the resources
4. Examining and
individual resources
4. Evaluate, evidence take note
compile the bibliography.
5. Recording and
storing of
5. Established conclusions and organized information
6. Interpretation and
6. Interpretation and analysis
7. Shape presentation
7. Create and present final project
8. Evaluation of
assignment 8. Reflection- satisfactory